



Customization. On spec, on budget
Packing and transporting large products, capital goods or, for that matter, delicate products all requires care – and tailor-made solutions. Happily, that’s our strength. Tenfold is known for creating a perfect balance between quality and cost. We achieve this balance together by working along with our client, so you can always expect results based on co-creation.
Wooden boxes
Wooden boxes are a commonly used and durable packaging solution designed for export and transportation. With the wide array of comprehensive choices that Tenfold has to offer, including export boxes and collapsible boxes, our boxes are efficient and cost-effective for both larger and smaller shipments.
Wooden crates
Due to their open structure, wooden crates are both cost-effective and material-saving. In numerous scenarios, export crates serve as an environmentally friendly and economical alternative to export boxes.
Pallets and Skids
Wooden pallets and decking can be a cost-effective and suitable alternative to crates and boxes. They are commonly used for one-time transport, repeated use, semi-finished products, and manufactured goods. Pallets are particularly well-suited for road and sea transportation.
Our custom-made trestles, including frame trestles and glass trestles, are specifically designed to prevent glass breakage during transportation.
On-Site Packaging
Depending on the project’s requirements, packaging can be done either at your location or at Tenfold Industrial Packaging in Weert or Breda. If you opt for in-house or on-site packaging, our professional and certified packers will bring all the necessary packaging materials – be it crates, boxes, or other export packaging – to your location, or if preferred, to your freight forwarder.

Our divisions

In order to find suitable solutions to the most challenging packaging issues together with you, Tenfold is fully modular. In this way we bring together specialist knowledge and a broad overview of packaging issues. Get to know our divisions: