Our divisions
This is the Tenfold Group

“The right protection,
zero damage, no
returns, no unforeseen
expenses, no unnecessary
environmental impact”
What you can count on
Total provider
In today’s world, it’s all about the total effectiveness of solutions. So it’s important to be able to depend on a single packaging supplier. As a total provider we support you with every imaginable service, product or solution – all under one roof. And all easily accessible from a single point of contact.
Modular solutions
Tenfold has a modular structure with five divisions: Industrial Packaging, Packaging Supplies, Engineering & Design, Supply Chain Services, Logistics Services. This modular structure is very versatile. It enables our clients to expand or grow. To discover, develop and speed up the very moment the market demands it. Tenfold’s modular organisational structure gives you the agility and cost efficiency you need today while preparing you for whatever tomorrow may bring.
There is no alternative to knowledge. We invest in our people, in competencies and in knowledge systems. It makes us a little better, smarter and faster every day. As a learning organisation we keep each other on our toes, and share knowledge. Knowledge which we, as a packaging specialist, use to get our customers ahead – and keep them there. That’s what keeps our customers coming back for more.
A complete overview – from the minor details to the big picture. By integrating smart digital services with internal and external business processes, we bring all the elements of your chain together. In our experience, the outcomes can sometimes seem counterintuitive. Which is why we translate hard data into clear language. Anyone who wants to do business in a competitive and sustainable way will soon see that it’s necessary to connect every link in the chain to get the most out of it.
Excellent results
We want to excel, because in the end the only thing that matters is the result. Where there’s a will there’s a way. Everything we do together should lead to an outcome that enables our customers to compete better in the market themselves. Because even if no two customer issues are quite the same, the outcome surely is.